Monday 30 June 2008

Overview of DAS, NAS, SAN

DAS: Direct Attached Storage

DAS uses an I/O channel architecture which resides between a computer and the storage device.

Storage device is only accessible by attached host computer.

It provides block level access to data.

DAS can be a JBOD, Array or any sort of external storage attached to host computer.

NAS: Network Attached Storage

NAS is the attachment of storage devices to LAN.

NAS uses TCP/IP Network, We can use NFS, CIFS or HTTP protocol to connect to a NAS device and access data.

NAS identifies data by file name and byte offsets, transfers file data or file meta-data (file's owner, permissions,creation data, etc.), and handles security, user authentication, file locking

Example of NAS Device : NetApp FAS 270

SAN: Storage Area Network

To deploy or implement SAN we need following devices.

-Server class machines with HBA's
-Network Switch (FC Switch)
-Disk and Tape storage subsystems

Connect your Storage Array to your FC switch.
And connect your host machines to same FC switch and create zones and configure it.

As shown in fig. Four servers are connected in LAN and each of these server is connected to storage array through FC switch.

SAN addresses data by disk block number and transfers raw disk blocks.

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